We are uncorrupted - I love PAP
I am most heartened to read The Straits Times’ glorifying features about PAP and our Senior Minister, Mr Lee when he turned 80. What a visionary Our SM is for without him, there would be no Singapore as we know it. Imagine. If we had corrupt leaders like Suharto, we would be living in kampung huts and playing with chicken, never mind handphones and the Internet.
How can Singaporeans still complain and look for greener pastures when we are an ideal city itself? What else do they want? But before I go on about those ungrateful wretch, I must draw your attention to one of the most reassuring article that I have ever read; and which appeared in The Straits Times dated 22 September 2003. I would like to quote :
'People like to say that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The PAP was in absolute power from 1968 to 1980 when it had all the seats in Parliament. Even after we lost Anson in 1981, our party remains dominant in Parliament.
But so many years in power have not corrupted us. The party has remained honest. It has eschewed money politics. It does not go into any sort of business. We run a meritocratic system, not a patronage system.
We are comrades, not cronies.
The party values of thrift, honesty and dedication are very much a reflection of Senior Minister's own character and values. Through his personal example, force of personality and strength of will, he has imprinted these values on the party.
Indeed, his values are the values of the party. His frugality is seen in the frugal habits, practices and low profile of the party. His integrity is the integrity of the party.
And his passion for Singapore and his dedication to serve the people are reflected in the passion and dedication of our MPs and activists.'
-- PM Goh, the PAP's secretary-general, in a tribute to what the party and SM Lee have stood for
Read again. Isn’t this the most warm-hearted and courageous speech that you have ever heard? Our own Prime Minister? I feel so proud to be a Singaporean because we are a first for something which no other countries are able to claim. We can all agree Singapore is uncorrupted despite being a single party state. We have refuted the theory of power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. I mean what else can we achieve?
The thing to do now - all loyal Singaporeans, is to put your hands to your heart and recite the pledge proudly, to claim we are the world’s first real one party democracy where we can claim without proudly – that our leading party PAP is uncorrupted, that we have proved that we are comrades, that we are honest and runs a meritocratic system. I love Singapore. I love the PAP. I love the uncorrupted one party governance that speaks only truth and nothing else...