National Day, Nation Party & PLU
Come this national day, the Singapore GLBT community will be celebrating with a series of parties and plays. Top and Bottom, and Mardi Gras, two productions by The Necessary Stage coincides with the Mergers and Wills, a lesbian themed theatre by Toy Factory; Make Love not War (Military Ball) Party, Nation Party, and a Closing Party at Zouk. These events do not include the usual parties held at the regular gay nightclubs and saunas.
In fact, Singapore’s gay entertainment establishments and parties such as Nation have acquired such a reputation that, even Bangkok, feels threatened. They are afraid that we are giving them a run as Asia’s gay capital; competing for the tourists’ pink dollar.
No one denies the importance of the pink dollar which indirectly means increasing tourism and thereby benefiting the economy.
Yet, therein lies the rub. While our gay boys and girls fight for the right to party and thoroughly enjoy themselves at these “feel good – friend making - community bonding ” events, what is being done on the social and political front to advance the gay cause in Singapore?
Before someone shoots me down with a “let’s not create trouble because the gay community in Singapore is already enjoying enough liberties” or “we cannot do anything because the government does not allow” rhetoric, it is fundamental that we view things in an enlightened perspective.
Sure, it is easy to argue that so called “rights” are not important. After all, we are relatively “well to do” and there are already enough “gay outlets” for patronization.
However, these large scale parties and plays that have been permitted to run their course have already drawn the ire of the mainstream conservatives. One Straits Times reader wrote in to complain about Nation party, saying that it is an insult to Singapore. Straits Times has also published letters from homophobic or misinformed readers who condemned the “gay lifestyle”, whatever that means. Lianhe Wanbao, a local Mandarin tabloid ran a series of articles “exposing” the gay saunas, sensationalizing and painting gay culture as one of promoting sexual promiscuity.
Under the pressure of the public, the government may reduce or ban some of these gay establishments that has been enjoying brisk business. Plays and parties with risqué themes may also be prohibited or censored, which will return us back to the dark ages.
This option might seem a distinct impossibility but it can STILL happen because we are still surviving as an “underground” culture; and surviving on the kindness of the system. The authorities are doing a balancing act as they allow gay business to survive so that they generate money, while, at the same time, trying to placate to the majority conservative. This equation can however be tipped against the unfavourable for GLBT if public pressure increases or due to any unforeseeable circumstances.
If a society like PLU is formed, we would have a more coordinated and representative voice to educate the public, government and counter the sensational news mongering of irresponsible tabloids.
PLU’s second application to form a society was rejected after an appeal. They have published a book and organized a forum; but because of membership and legality issues, are unable to reach a considerable part of the population and hence, achieves limited desired effect.
It is with this in mind that forming PLU becomes more pressing because without a group, no organized resources can be mobilized and very little can be achieved. We can hardly go beyond the stage of issues discussion within the community. In fact, in the replies of the Registar of Society with regards to PLU’s appeal, which can be found in their website, members have been warned to “cease all activities in connection with the society”.
The flourish of the “gay entertainment” sector may work against gay causes. As explained earlier, when these events become more popular, overflowing to the consciousness of the mainstream majority, the conservatives are more likely to step up anti-gay messages and accuse the GLBT community as nothing more than a group of “perverts” who are out to have fun; and corrupting the young impressionables.
The proliferation of gay events and establishments create the mirage that Singapore is becoming a tolerant society. It may blind the GLBT community into complacency, believing that there is no urgent need to address any underlying socio-political issues, when the reverse is true.
Instead of vying with Bangkok as the Asia’s gay capital, Hong Kong’s gay advancement is a more sustainable model, based on achieving equal treatment. According to a recent article, they are on the edge of conducting a survey which may lead to the enactment of legislations that covers sexual orientation discrimination, that is, if the results shows that more than 50 percent of the population supports them. If that happens, the irony will not be lost on us; that they are under the governance of capitalist communists.
Ultimately, raising community and national consciousness of GLBT issues are important not just of what I have mentioned; but primarily because it alleviates the misery and difficult process of coming out for GLBT teenagers and youths, trapped in a mainly straight and homophobic society.
It is time that the GLBT community in Singapore recognizes the importance of having a political voice.
One way for PLU to overcoming the barriers is to work with other local NGOs in getting endorsements. They could participate in forums organized by these groups to highlight common underlying issues. E.g. Lesbian issues can be highlighted in women’s talks or workshops. In this way, the legitimacy of PLU can be achieved through networking and inter-group support. By raising our issues in conjunction with other mainstream groups, we will be able to successfully integrate GLBT into mainstream Singapore.
National Day is an occasion to celebrate being Singaporean. One of embracing diversity. And there is no reason why GLBT should not be part of this festivity.