Forum on Singapore Elections
Forum: Elections in Singapore
Organiser: Alliance for Reform & Democracy in Asia (ARDA)
ARDA Team: Dr Paul Scott, Mr Herman Vermeer, Mr Martin Lee, Mr Earl Parreno, Mr Michael J. Mitchell
Speakers: Mr Yap, Mr Tan Chong Kee
Moderator: Mr J B Jeyaretnam
Date: 9 January 2004
Time: 2:30 – 5 pm
Venue: Holiday Inn Parkview Orchid Room
Are Singapore elections so predictable that we have begun to treat it as a non – event? Since we can predict with certainty which party is going to get most of the votes, does it mean we should vote apathetically? Can Singaporeans democratically change our government through normal procedural elections under the current situation? How many Singaporeans have a desire to run as Opposition candidates but are stopped by their perceptions of the system? Why are the major political parties in Singapore facing difficulties in recruiting electoral candidates? Is the media impartial to all political parties during electoral campaigning?
These were just some of my thoughts as the speakers, public and ARDA team made their observations and opinions at Singapore’s first indoor public forum on Singapore elections.
The event threw up robust complex election issues.
One of the mulled over issues was the mentality of the Singaporean voter.
It is apparent that psychological factors heavily influenced how the average Singaporean votes.
The current government’s carrot and stick approach has given People’s Action Party (PAP) an unfair edge over other Opposition parties.
Positive media reviews of PAP candidates and Government Shares motivate Singaporeans to vote the de facto party while fear of losing jobs, serial numbers on voting cards and negative media portrayal of Opposition Parties turns Opposition away from the general uninformed public.
During the forum, some participants revealed the “fear” that Singaporeans develop over years under one party rule. One of them mentioned the dominance of the government in various domestic sectors from telecommunications to the supermarket.
Focusing on a larger picture, one of the younger participants opined that Singapore’s lack of “democratic culture” as compared to United States is one of the reasons why we are behind promoting democracy and human rights, which indirectly ties in with elections issues.
Mr J B Jeyaretnam who was the moderator, set the topic of the forum, by raising the pertinent question of whether Singapore’s elections are truly “free and fair”.
That will include whether elections are fair to candidates; if all parties have equal opportunities to present their policies and programs; resource to funding election campaigns; election rallies; and transparencies of system on procedures during polling day; among a host of other concerns.
Mr Yap, who presented his internet poll on the election system revealed disturbing signs of Singaporeans who are “unsure” of the free and fairness of the current system. A small sample base and a limited research time frame are limitations of the results of the survey to draw more convincing conclusions.
Mr Tan Chong Kee drew a comparison between Singapore and the ancient Chinese Confucious system; and posits the hyperbole of whether we would be sustainable as a country under the PAP rule.
The views of the professional ARDA observers were equally helpful.
Mr Earl Parreno related Marcos rule in Philippines and how citizens overcame their fear of the dictatorial regime through People Power revolution. Mr Martin Lee discouraged boycotting elections when one of the participants suggested it as a form of civil disobedience.
On the future of Singapore elections and individual actions, one participant cautioned the government’s plan to roll out e voting, which he claimed, is difficult to monitor and susceptible to fraud.
Another participant suggested that though independent election commissions should be considered as a viable option to ensure fairness of the system, he believed that Singaporeans are on the whole, generally unsympathetic towards Opposition. As such, he urged the public to give Opposition a chance; and that Opposition candidates will need to work harder at the grassroots level to gain citizens’ support and trust.
This forum on election helps Singaporeans understand the need of being aware of electoral issues from various perspectives. We need to recognize that free and fair election is a major element in promoting and ensuring democracy.